Sunday, November 17, 2013

Contoh video Diskusi Kelas


Artikel Teropong Edisi 18--24 November 2013

Menciptakan “Common enemy” untuk melawan  Penjajahan Koruptor:
Mendesak Dibuat Pranata Hukum yang Memberikan Efek Jera bagi Koruptor (2)
Oleh Umi Salamah
Di negeri tetangga, koruptor dipotong lehernya
Di negriku koruptor dipotong masa tahannya (Taufiq Ismail)
Musuh bangsa Indonesia saat ini adalah Koruptor
Wacana pemberian tunjangan pensiun kepada para anggota dewan dan pejabat yang telah terbukti korupsi sungguh melukai hati rakyat. Sepenggal puisi Taufiq Ismail merupakan jeritan yang amat pedih terhadap ketidakadilan dalam penanganan kasus korupsi. Padahal korupsi terbukti sebagai sumber dan akar dari segala permasalahan di Indonesia. ”Akibat dari kejahatan (korupsi) dalam situs disebutkan bahwa kejahatan korupsi telah merugikan keuangan negara yang memberikan dampak terbesar bagi negara. Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan pernah melansir bahwa ditemukan sedikitnya 191.575 kasus penyimpangan keuangan negara dengan nilai kerugian negara sebesar Rp 103,19 triliun. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa korupsi berpotensi mengurangi kesejahteraan rakyat. Hal itu belum termasuk penjualan sumberdaya alam, impor ilegal dan setengah legal, pungutan liar, dan lain-lain. Korupsi di sektor sumber daya alam, bukan hanya sekadar penyuapan saja, tetapi lebih dari itu, sumber daya alam akan hilang. Ini lebih parah dari sekedar penyuapan ataupun pungutan liar. 

Friday, November 8, 2013


By: Umi Salamah

Evoking the spirit of patriotism and nationalism should not be with "force".
Winning or surviving on the battlefield depends on the strategies played. The biggest "war" is currently  against capitalist hegemony in various fields which is a manifestation of neoimperialism. The way of committed suicide bombing is done by the terrorists or bombing certain places in the name of action against capitalist is "ridiculous" and in vain. Image "stupid" and "evil" will be attached to the bomber and his group. More fatal if the country of origin bombers also dubbed as a terrorist state and the labeling will be treated to all the people who come from a country known as the country of origin "terrorists". Impact is very bad for the survival and progress of a country is affected by the labeling. Intelligence wars should be fought with intelligence, imaging countered with imaging, diffusion of culture must be confronted with the power of their own culture.

Reflecting the great figures against neoimperialism
There have been many leaders of nations in the developing world who provide role models to evoke the spirit of patriotism and nationalism in the various fields of non-violence. They work best when they get sympathy and support from the world community. Just mention of Pakistan Mohammad Ali Jinah, Bung Karno from Indonesia, Jawaharal Nehru of India, and Nelson Mandela of South Africa. They beat the neo-colonialists with courage and skill, set strategy and intelligence cooperation between countries in negotiating and non-aligned against the political hegemony of the colonialist.
Currently all non-aligned countries are de jure independence is already irrespective of the colonialists, but de facto it was colonized by capitalist hegemony in various aspects of life, such as economics, media, culture, education, technology, and science. Emerging countries are still dependent on the capitalist powers. Developing countries have not been able to even become masters in their own country. Our nation still enslaved by capitalist countries in our own country. Most of the people impoverished, while officials and the government bureaucracy and the establishment pampered with a variety of pleasures. The result is a huge gap between state officials and the people.
Capitalist hegemony in the country we have penetrated into most of the nation's blood vessels in a variety of fields. Even the heart has been ripped off and most of the common sense of our nation. The low quality of life of the majority of the people have resulted in mental and moral nation. A lack of confidence and mentality have undermined the slave mentality of the majority of ordinary people, while the culture of corruption and colonial mentality has spoiled most officials and bureaucrats of our country. This is the impact of modern capitalist has been opened faucet in developing countries on a large scale in the mining, industrial giant, and capitalist trade networks. Ironically, the leaders of the developing countries , or most of them bend their knees and more capitalist than the policy side to defend the rights and prosperity of its people. Even for the sake of defending the capitalist policies and the establishment of office, they would be willing to sacrifice its people.
As a result of our current society tends repressive and anesthetized by residence. These circumstances make the creativity and productivity of the nation paralyzed, so many people who fled from idealism for the position / positions in society. Although in our society occurs lameness lameness-social, social diversion, and social deviance has been regarded as reasonable and decent thing going on. How could I not? Most of the nation has long been lulled by the hedonistic culture, pragmatic, and consumptive. Have fun with shortcuts, working with shortcuts, learn the shortcuts, earn position with shortcut also has become a trend for the majority of this nation. It happened from small people to people with high-ranking officials. This attitude led to the habit of not critical, apathetic, and stuck in an irrational society (mystical).
Is the character of our nation is so far from the culture which is reflected in the state and the state constitution? Ironically, only certain people are aware of it. It takes a movement to raise awareness in the fight against capitalist hegemony neopatrionalism in various fields. What should we do? In this case the presence of the media and public figures who are still idealists hold on religion, the state and the state constitution is very effective to develop the movement. Ad delivery that is both patriotic and nationalist spirit of defending the country for the progress and prosperity of nations is motivation and optimism for the younger generation to save the nation and the state of capitalist hegemony.

Visionary leadership and mentality neopatrionalism are required against Capitalist Hegemony Domination.
The power of capitalist media make our nation powerless and the crisis of confidence. The media has a very important role in raising the spirit of patriotism and nationalism. But the media also plays a major role in destroying the spirit of patriotism and nationalism. News event and broadcasting  that are not balanced between performance and dedication earned the nation with moral deviations, then gives a very bad impact for the community and young people. Impressions moral aberrations in various media, such as corruption, manipulation, adultery, witchcraft, fights, cheating  that are repeated over and over again give a bad impact apathy towards the existence and progress of the nation and the state. Instead aired achievements and dedication of the nation that brought the nation's progress will positively impact the survival and progress of the nation.
Who is authorized to regulate? What's a declaration of religious education based education and culture if it is not supported by media impressions and government policies that are not based on religion and culture itself. Visionary leader and mentally neopatrionalism are required to attack against capitalist hegemony. Leaders who cling to the basic state and the state constitution. Leaders are responsive to the problems and challenges of the nation and the state. A leader who can set an example of patriot for their people.
Visionary leader and neopatrionalism mentality will always support and provide the broadest possible opportunity to the people to advance the nation. Leaders who cling to the basic constitution of the state and country will always defend the rights and pro-prosperity, justice, dignity, and the dignity of the nation and country. Leaders are responsive to the problems and challenges of the nation and the state always see the problems and needs of its people as study materials to improve the quality of education, technology, and science in the country. A leader who can set an example of patriot for their people is courageous leaders and consistently implement the establishment of the state and the country's constitution and daring against the capitalist policies that are not in accordance with the constitution of the state and country.

[1]Head of Departement PBSI IKIP Budi Utomo Malang Indonesia,  Lecturer at Brawijaya University Malang Indonesia, Researcher and writer. social and political activist. Email:

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Menciptakan “Common enemy”, KORAN TEROPONG EDISI 4-10 NOVEMBER 2013


Menciptakan “Common enemy” untuk Membebaskan Indonesia dari Penjajahan Koruptor: Dalam Rangka Menghargai Jasa Pahlawan

Oleh Umi Salamah
Kami cuma tulang-tulang berserakan
Tapi adalah kepunyaanmu
Kaulah lagi yang tentukan nilai tulang-tulang berserakan
Berikan kami arti  (Chairil Anwar)

Menciptakan “Common enemy” (Musuh Bersama) untuk melawan penjajah
Kemerdekaan negara Indonesia ini tidak diberikan cuma-cuma oleh penjajah. Perjalanan yang sangat panjang untuk merebut kemerdekaan, demi kedaulatan sebagai sebuah bangsa yang merdeka dilakukan dengan pengorbanan darah dan nyawa.  Selama 350 tahun dijajah oleh Belanda dan 3,5 tahun dijajah oleh Jepang, bangsa Indonesia telah diperbudak oleh penjajah. Pemiskinan, penderitaan, pembunuhan, penyiksaan, pembuangan, dan pengasingan, telah dialami oleh bangsa Indonesia selama ratusan tahun. Dan selama itu pula para founding fathers (pendiri) bangsa Indonesia berjuang melawan penjajah.



Friday, November 1, 2013



Artikel Koran Pendidikan Edisi 30 Oktober-5 November 2013

Oleh Umi Salamah
Ka. Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia IKIP Budi Utomo Malang

“Seribu orang tua hanya dapat bermimpi, namun satu orang pemuda dapat mengubah dunia” “Ayo bangkit! dan berjuanglah untuk Indonesia, wahai Pemuda Indonesia,” (Soekarno).

Refleksi Sumpah Pemuda dan Ttumbuhnya semangat nasionalisme
Peristiwa 28 Oktober, 85 tahun lalu merupakan peristiwa yang benar-benar super heroik. Bagimana tidak, di tengah penjajahan kolonial Belanda yang dikenal sangat kejam, sekelompok pemuda yang terhimpun dalam organisasi Perhimpunan Indonesia, dengan gagah berani mengikrarkan “Satu tanah air, Satu bangsa, dan Satu bahasa, yakni Indonesia”. Tanpa ikrar sumpah pemuda, barangkali sampai saat ini kita belum bisa merdeka.