(Reflection of Independence's day)
Only one word to emerge from the downturn is "to resist"
resist suppression
resist deceptions
resist savagery
resist stupidity
resist laziness
resist powerlessness
With courage and honesty
Only one word to create prosperity is "spirit"
spirit to learn
spirit to work
spirit to build
spirit to make harmony
With justice and humanity
Only one word for peace is "smile"
Smile to a friend
Smile to the opponent
Smile to the future
Smile to every problem
Smile to every obstacle
With the intention and sincerity
And only one word to create honor is "love"
Love to our Creator
Love to our country
Love to our nation
Love to work
Love to ourselves
Love to our neighbors
Then the weight feels lighter
which inhibits feels more fade
Justice and prosperity
Harmony and security
Peace and honor
It's no longer a dream but a reality
Let's do it in order to achieve the independence's dream
(Reflection of Independence's day)
Only one word to emerge from the downturn is "to resist"
resist suppression
resist deceptions
resist savagery
resist stupidity
resist laziness
resist powerlessness
With courage and honesty
Only one word to create prosperity is "spirit"
spirit to learn
spirit to work
spirit to build
spirit to make harmony
With justice and humanity
Only one word for peace is "smile"
Smile to a friend
Smile to the opponent
Smile to the future
Smile to every problem
Smile to every obstacle
With the intention and sincerity
And only one word to create honor is "love"
Love to our Creator
Love to our country
Love to our nation
Love to work
Love to ourselves
Love to our neighbors
Then the weight feels lighter
which inhibits feels more fade
Justice and prosperity
Harmony and security
Peace and honor
It's no longer a dream but a reality
Let's do it in order to achieve the independence's dream
(Refleksi Proklamasi
Hanya satu kata untuk bangkit dari
keterpurukan adalah “lawan”
Lawan penindasan
Lawan pembohongan
Lawan Kebiadaban
Lawan kebodohan
Lawan kemalasan
Lawan ketidakberdayaan
Dengan keberanian dan kejujuran
Hanya satu kata untuk menciptakan
kemakmuran adalah “semangat”
Semangat belajar
Semangat bekerja
Semangat membangun
Semangat rukun
Dengan keadilan dan kemanusiaan
Hanya satu kata untuk menciptakan
perdamaian adalah “senyum”
Senyum kepada teman
Senyum kepada lawan
Senyum kepada masa depan
Senyum kepada setiap permasalahan
Senyum kepada setiap hambatan
Dengan niat dan ketulusan
Dan hanya satu kata untuk menciptakan
kehormatan adalah “cinta”
Cinta kepada Sang Pencipta
Cinta kepada negara
Cinta kepada bangsa
Cinta kepada karya
Cinta kepada diri kita
Cinta kepada sesama
Maka yang berat terasa ringan
yang menghambat terasa hilang
Keadilan dan kemakmuran
Kerukunan dan kesejahteraan
Kedamaian dan kehormatan
Bukan lagi impian melainkan
Mari kita lakukan demi tercapainya
cita-cita kemerdekaan
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