Thursday, July 4, 2013

Pagi yang Indah

Pagi yang Indah (Look at the translation below this poem)
Mentari pagi tersenyum kembali
Angin bertiup kencang sekali
Lautan bergelombang sangat tinggi
Memacu badai membara di Pulau Bali

Desingnya sampai pantai Pattaya
Aroma mawar mendesir di udara
Memenuhi ruang jagat raya
Bergelora bersama
Dengan penuh suka cita

Tak ada belenggu di kaki mereka
Di pikiran mereka
Di perasaan mereka
Semua lepas penuh canda tawa
Saling sapa dan saling menggoda
Biarkan mereka tetap menggelora sepanjang masa

Beautiful's Morning

Morning sun smiles again
The wind was blowing hard
Wavy sea of ​​very high
spurred the storm smolder on the island of Bali

His twang get to  Pattaya beach
Scent of roses whirred in the air
fills the universe
vibrant together
In a joyful spirit

There was no shackles on their feet
In their minds
In their feelings
All free full of laughter
Greeted each other and tease each other
Let them get remain tempestuous all of time

Good morning, Love you all

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